ASSAULT Situation: After securing the bridge, your squad was ordered to recover supplies lost during an ambush of a US Convoy at grid WS663433. ROE: Minimize damage to the supplies. Friendly convoy security elements may still be in the area. Mission: First squad, secure US Convoy at grid WS663433, and patrol surrounding area for remaining enemy forces. Enemy: Squad-sized force with advanced marksmanship team. Enemy reaction forces are less than ten minutes away. Troops: Infantry squad of the 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment with advanced marksmanship team. Terrain: High-altitude mountain road twisting around a chasm. Adverse weather conditions (high winds and fog) prevent air support. Sparse vegetation and rocky cliffs with snow covered ledges. DEFENSE Situation: The US Convoy at grid WS663433 was ambushed by enemy forces. Your squad, as an immediate reaction force, was sent to defend the Convoy until the rest of the company arrives. ROE: Minimize damage to the supplies since they are sorely needed at the refugee camp. Mission: Defend the US Convoy at grid WS663433 until reinforcements arrive. Enemy: Squad-sized force with advanced marksmanship team. Troops: Infantry squad of the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment with advanced marksmanship team. Terrain: High-altitude mountain road twisting around a chasm. Adverse weather conditions (high winds and fog) prevent air support. Sparse vegetation and rocky cliffs with snow covered ledges.